Tuesday, 30 November 2010


Don't be fooled. I own no Prada get up. However the  Prada AW10 collection showed a selection of knitted headbands. All the high street shops have caught on and so did Mel&May.  They went down a treat with all the ladies and some gents at the market on Sunday. Sell sell sell. 

My knitted head bands are pretty straight forward. Usually i cast on about 6 stitches and knit away. I always use large needles, about size 12 and chunky wool. sometimes i shall wind the wool round the needle twice to create a 'holey' affect.  I then sew the ends together and knit a small rectangle wrap this round the head band and sew that together. I try and jazz them up a bit by using flowers, feathers or even just different wools to create a stripy affect..

Sewing the ends together to form the band

This looked lovely on this lady.. however, unfortunately she already  had a mass produced, non- hand knitted  one brought from  a massive high street store that has taken over the UK in the last 5 years. At £3 ... sometimes the small companies  just cant compete with the big ones!

Swan lake inspired headband!



  1. Hi Mel. Head bands are gorgeous! Fantastic christmas present me thinks! Can you let us know any other dates you've got booked for your stall?!? Charlotte x

  2. Hi Mel. I like your blog. My favourite bit was when you talked about your friend Helen. She sounds cool!


  3. Hi charlotte. Thanks for your comment! Im there every sunday up to christmas - Its above the sunday upmarket on bricklane. You can always email me on knickersandknitting@gmail.com.

    fingers crossed i will see you soon x

  4. Hi Helen

    My friend helen is not cool. She wears knitted waist belts.

    My mum thinks shes funny though.

  5. Hi Mel, I'm too loving your blog and I'd love to know if you do washable knitted knickers without the itch.

    Check me blog out


    Hugs and Kisses. xx

  6. Its something i'm going to look into. I'll let you know when i have come up with the goods. You can test them out 1st for me.

    Im goign to check out the blog now! ooo exciting!

    mwah x
